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Delivery Service Directory for U.S. Red Meat Suppliers in Peru

Published: Jul 16, 2020

U.S. red meat importers and distributors in Lima, Peru – along with their retail and foodservice clients – benefited from a USMEF project that streamlined the process of ordering cuts of U.S. pork and beef during the COVID-19 pandemic. With funding from the National Pork Board and the Beef Checkoff Program, USMEF created a virtual directory of businesses that deliver U.S. red meat.

“With social distancing, red meat suppliers have been forced to expand delivery services or implement new delivery services to continue serving their customers,” said Jessica Julca, USMEF representative in South America. “USMEF saw an opportunity to help everyone involved, so we contacted the companies and shared a plan to implement an online directory with contact information for each business.”

The directory recognizes suppliers of U.S. pork and beef. Special USMEF delivery bags were given to participating businesses.

Special delivery bags were given to businesses in Peru that participated in USMEF’s delivery service directory